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Easy 5 Step Korean Skincare Routine: A Beginner’s Guide

by Sophia Lu 14 Jan 2024

Venturing into the world of Korean skincare can seem a bit daunting, especially if you're just starting out. Ever found yourself pondering, "Do I genuinely need all these products?" or scratching your head over what essences actually do? Ponder no more, we're here to break it down and make it heaps simpler for you. Today, we're diving into an easy 5 step Korean skincare routine, perfect for those keen to get that sought-after Korean glass skin look without the hassle of a lengthy 10-step process.

Regardless of whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, or normal, stick around to start your journey towards healthier, more radiant skin!

Is the Hype Around Korean Skincare Really Worth It?

For anyone serious about their beauty regime, achieving clear and youthful skin is the ultimate goal. You've probably heard all the chatter about Korean skincare routines if you're up to speed with the latest in beauty. But what's the go with it, really?

The Korean skincare routine is all about a 10-step regimen aimed at achieving "glass skin" - that is, skin that's so flawless and glowy it's comparable to a newborn's complexion. While it might sound like a bit of an effort, skincare is considered essential to beauty in Korea. This philosophy has seen the routine take off globally, regardless of skin type.

But let's be real, not everyone's got the time or patience for such an in-depth routine. That's why we've put together a simplified 5 step Korean skincare regimen to boost your skin's health and appearance, minus the overwhelm.

Simplified Korean Skincare Routine: 5 Must-Do Steps

Traditional Korean skincare might involve a bit of everything - double cleansing, exfoliation, sheet masking, toning, applying essence, using serum, eye cream, and moisturising. If you're after something a bit more straightforward without missing out on the benefits, here is your solution.

Double Cleansing

Big in the Korean beauty scene, double cleansing involves first using an oil-based cleanser, followed by a water-based one. This combo is amazing at removing makeup, grime, and excess oil, leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean. It's a top pick for Korean skincare veterans, but especially those who wear a lot of makeup or have oily skin.

Oil-Based Cleanser: These bad boys use oils to melt away stubborn makeup and grime without blocking your pores. Plus, they help keep your skin moisturised, making them a great choice for dry skin types.

Water-Based Cleanser: These cleansers are all about water as their main ingredient, getting rid of water-soluble impurities like sweat. Opting for a multitasker can help streamline your routine.


Despite what some might think, toners aren't for cleansing. They're actually about balancing your skin's pH, replenishing nutrients, and prepping your skin to soak up the next products you use. Pick a toner that suits your skin type, whether it's hydrating or exfoliating.


This step is where serums or spot treatments come into play, tackling specific issues like dehydration, dullness, or acne. Loaded with active ingredients, these products go deep to nourish your skin and bring back that glow.


Hydrating your skin is crucial, no matter your skin type. Moisturising helps prevent dryness, minimises fine lines, and acts as a shield against the elements. Choose a moisturiser that's right for your skin and the time of year.

Sun Protection

Slapping on sunscreen is a must in any skincare routine, full stop. It protects your skin from nasty UV rays, keeping it looking young and preventing dark spots.

Enhancements for Your Routine

While the main game is the five steps, you might like to throw in a few extras now and then to up your skincare game.

Sheet Masking: Packed with hydrating and brightening goodies, sheet masks are a top way to pamper your skin a couple of times a week.

Exfoliation: Giving your skin a good exfoliate once a week, be it physical or chemical, can help brighten your complexion, unclog pores, and keep breakouts at bay.

Where to Get Korean Skincare Products

Now that you are ready to tackle your skincare worries with the basics of a 5-step Korean skincare routine, it's time to dive in and have a bit of fun! Check out our Skinsation website under the 'Skincare' section for a curated pick of Korean skincare gems tailored just for your needs. Start your quest for that sensational glass skin now!

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